strawberries healthy
Strawberries are healthy? Strawberries are in Asian countries also called the "Queen of Fruits", ie they are full of different health benefits. Compared with fruits like apples, oranges or bananas, strawberries contain more nutrients. This juicy heart-shaped delights have to offer really much more than their sweet taste.
Strawberry healthy and antioxidant:
Here's the first reason why strawberries are healthy. Strawberries are actually powerhouses, they are a potent source of antioxidants that fight free radicals .These radicals including by: sunlight, drugs, pesticides in food and alcohol consumption. Smoking also contributes to the generation of free radicals and leads to faster THEREBY aging of the skin. Rapid aging, damage to connective tissues and skin, inter alia, appear to be the result of aggressive substances.
Strawberries healthy and good against cardiovascular disease
Strawberries protect against include cardiovascular disease and arthritis (inflammation of the joints). Strawberries contain anthocyanins, these dyes belong to the flavonoids. Maybe you already knew that flavonoids have a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels.
Strawberries healthy for strengthening blood vessels:
Strawberries are fortified with vitamin C. Consuming strawberries helps the body to strengthen any weak spots in the walls of blood vessels, so you avoid bruising or bruising as is known in the vernacular. Eight strawberries contain more vitamin C than an orange.
Regulate blood sugar:
Research has shown that strawberries assist in regulating blood sugar levels. Consuming a cup of fresh strawberries will significantly reduce blood sugar. For that reason, strawberries a very useful tool in the fight against obesity.
Strawberries for healthy bones:
One of the essential strategies for procureren of healthy bones is choosing the right kind of power supply. Strawberries include this right kind of nutrition.
Strawberries help with the preservation and promotion of healthy bones. It is, after all, so that strawberries are enriched with potassium, vit. K, and Mg. These substances are essential for strong and healthy bones.
Anti-inflammatory :
Strawberries have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Studies show that strawberries reduce the inflammatory marker (CRP) indeed. One study showed that one should consume at least 3 times a week strawberries to take advantage of these anti-inflammatory properties. But since strawberries are awfully nice, this is no problem.
Stimulate fat burning with strawberries:
Strawberry is a particularly rich source of anthocyanins. This substance stimulates the body (saved) to use fat as fuel. A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry shows that animals given foods with high fat content, including the fabric "anthocyanin" weight gain enormously reduced.
Improve short-term memory:
The substance "anthocyanin" located in a strawberry, give you short term memory really a boost, according to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food
Strawberries good for the eyes
Strawberries can contribute to good health of the eyes. Consuming three or more servings of fruits like strawberries reduces the risk of macular degeneration (retinal aging), according to a study published in the Archives of Ophthalmology. This is another reason why they are healthy strawberries.