The modus operandi of molokhaih
Chicken broth or meat broth
Salt as needed
Sodium bicarbonate
stiff coriander
Mode of action:
Keep molokhaih on fire with the desired amount of broth and turn the heat until it reaches the stage
Keep salt as needed and put bicarbonate
Method of garlic and oil work
Keep garlic with oil on the fire until it becomes Yellow and keep them stiff coriander
Then put garlic with stiff coriander on the molokhaih
Important information:
Do not put the lid on the pot so cool completely molokhaih
Benefits molokhaih
It reflects a laxative and resistant Constipation they also contain vitamins
It is famous in the Levant and Egypt
Flowers yellow molokhaih and contain the seeds of molokhaih
This way the Egyptian way different from the Syrian way
This method is best to work molokhaih because it retains all Its Benefits