What is ginger?
The ginger plant is a perennial plant with a straight, reed-like stems which white flowers bloom. The ginger plant leaves are 15 to 30 cm. long and 2 to 2.5 cm. wide. The flowering stem directly from the rhizome up. It blooms with a green torch with small yellow flowers with a red heart. Underground grows a thick branched rhizome, which serves as food storage for the plant. The rhizome grows horizontally and yellow inside. Ginger is extracted from this rhizome.
Buy a piece of ginger root. Take a large pot and place the ginger flat on the soil. Push into place so that the root half underground disappear. Set to a warm place, but not in full sun. A houseplant not put outside in the winter !!
A sharp spice with a little sharp but sweet spicy taste. The taste of ginger is mainly from the chemical compounds gingerol and shogaol. A present flavor, but can also contribute to subtle cuisine. Because there was no pepper in the Middle Ages, was used ginger. In many Asian recipes belonging is a basic ingredient. Meat is more tender because fresh ginger contains a protein splitting enzyme. The smell of ginger is aromatic. Ginger is a perennial plant with a straight,
reed-like stems which white flowers bloom, which grows up from a creeping, articulated root. Is extracted from the ginger rhizome at the bottom of the ginger plant.
Ginger also contains a number of medicinal substances including ginerol, Lineol, and shogaol. A source of, inter alia, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6 and powerful antioxidants.
Ingredients ginger
many medicinal active substances. Contains gingerol, Lineol, borneol, pheilandreen and j shogaol.
In ginger is also specifically shogaol. A total of 17 medicinal substances workable.
Shogaol give the sharp taste and has the ability to reduce cancer and heart disease. Shoganol has also a painkilling effect and can reduce inflammation in joints.
Gingerol is a bioactive substance used to reduce symptoms of nausea and vomiting. Gingerol is also used to reduce swelling in the joints.
Zingiberene or ginger oil is an oil that occurs in ginger. Zingiberene is used in rheumatoid arthritis and some forms of headache. Ginger Oil or zingiberene works with shogaol and promotes digestion.
If you dry fresh ginger, cooked and served is gingerol into shogaol. Both gingerol as shogaol analgesia. Chemically this material appears to aspirin.
Ginger is good for stomach, spleen and intestines.
Ginger is extremely good for proper digestion and burning calories. You get more bricks from your diet. That's because of the dust zingibain.
There is, among other Danish research and applications no substance on earth that contains such powerful protein-digesting enzymes than zingibain.
Ginger is purifying and relieves pain. It is an antioxidant, is antiseptic, expectorant, relaxing, stimulating,
detoxifying, breath refreshing. It contains active and potent antioxidants such as polyphenolic compounds. These anti-oxidants have effects on cells of our body such as anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor.
There was already research has been done into the effect of ginger on tumors, but then in rats and mice. Scientists looked at whether taking root had an effect on chemicals that can cause cancer. That turned out to be so,During the study, thirty healthy men administered for one month ginger f f a non-active substance (placebo). The amount of ginger was equivalent to the amount that people eat on average per day, so that the results would be applicable to reality. During the research there was still tissue taken from the gut of the test subjects.
Less inflammation was soon found that the group receiving ginger, had less inflammation burden. Earlier research scientists already knew that inflammation in the intestinal tissue are strongly associated with the development of colon cancer. A beneficial effect so.
Antacids by millions of people around the world every day be swallowed, do not even work as good as the ginger. The health benefits of ginger have been extensively studied and tested successfully on more than 100 health and that makes ginger one of the most diverse and proven remedies. Antacids that you have get at the pharmacy or drugstore adverse side effects,by reducing stomach acid the body is less protected against infections, digests the food and less inhibited the absorption of
minerals and important nutrients. Prolonged use may even lead to diarrhea, pneumonia, osteoporosis, stomach ulcers and stomach cancer.